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Summer’s coming, how do we feel about our stretchmarks?

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Its official – Skin blemishes are a confidence crusher**
Stretchmarks can be a contributing factor in post-natal depression, at the very least many plan their wardrobe around covering them up.
Stretchmarks can happen to anyone
Stretchmarks can arrive with pregnancy, weight-gain, growth spurts, illness or steroid use. They can be accompanied by a feeling that appearance has been compromised and blown out of proportion by ‘cognitive distortion’ which is when the brain over-rides judgment, common sense making it appear worse than it really is!
A problem shared
There are powerful and inspiring #bodypositivemovements, which are helping to reduce the feeling of social isolation for those traumatised by the change in their bodies but there are some who will always find action more empowering than acceptance. That’s where Fractional RF Laser comes in.
Does it work?
Fractional RF Laser has been around since 2004 & is most effective for treatment of stretchmarks. It has been shown to have 50-75% improvement in appearance of stretch marks, after 6-10 treatments***.Actual results which have been achieved are shared below.
What is Fractional RF Laser?
A grid of micro-needles, penetrate the skin & heat the targeted area with radio frequency (RF) energy. This creates micro-wounds that stimulate the body’s natural healing process, encourage collagen production & regenerate healthy skin tissue. Treatment leaves behind a signature grid pattern of tiny marks which will heal over the next 7-10 days, and fade in around 2 weeks. Fractional RF Laser is often followed by a session of advanced LED light therapy to assist with healing & stimulating collagen production.
How much does it cost?
Treatment costs around $400 for an area approximately the size of an iphone.
Does it hurt?
It’s tolerable but the pain factor is worth it for the results!
Fractional RF Laser and many others treatments are performed by the highly trained therapists at Results Laser Clinic – Australia’s most trusted provider of laser, skin and Cosmetic Injectable treatments.
Results Laser Clinic have 40 clinics nationwide & are committed to delivering results that make you look & feel your best. Book a free, no-commitment consultation with a qualified therapist.
Where can I get Fractional RF Laser treatment?
Get started with Stretch mark reduction treatments for summer. Spring is the perfect season to start your reinvention journey with both summer & party season in view.
Next steps?
Already tried the above treatments and ready to take it to the next level? Results Laser Clinics. We are one of Australia’s most trusted providers of Laser Hair Removal, Skin treatments & Cosmetic Aesthetics Treatments. We are committed to delivering results that make you look & feel your best. Book your free Skin Analysis and complimentary consultation with our experts today! You can also save time and buy treatments from the comfort of your own home via a Results Online account! Our full-price list can be found here.
** Depression and suicidal ideation in dermatology patients with acne, alopecia areata, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. MA Gupta – 1998
*** The safety and efficacy of the 1540nm non-ablative fractional XD probe of star lux 500 device in the treatment of striae alba: Before-after study. J Lasers Med Sci. 2014;5:194–198. [PubMed] [Ref list] Malekzad F., Shakoei S., Ayatollahi A., Hejazi S.
# Matt Traube, MFT: Healthy Mind, Healthy Skin Psychology today: Posted Jun 27, 2017