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Can a facial cure a hangover?

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Can a facial cure a hangover? The “Micro O2” is a mini-combination of two treatments; Microdermabrasion & Oxygen Facial Therapy. Its a Results Laser Clinic signature facial & the Oxygen facial therapy is equivalent of infusing cups of water into your face. Sound interesting?
A new take on facials
So, we’ve all experienced a hangover of some sort – waking up looking ten years older from lack of sleep, with dehydrated, dull lifeless skin & last night’s excesses & sticky bar floor, clinging to our pores. While you reflect on your decisions, planning your next sleep & drinking plenty of water to fix how you feel, there maybe a solution that can help how you look.
So how does it work?
After a thorough but relaxing cleanse – which may put you to sleep – it starts with exfoliation: Passing over the face, with a diamond tipped wand, removes the top layer of dead skin, opens & decongests the pores, removing all traces of the ‘night before’ not to mention the day before that!
Then comes soothing regeneration. Oxygen serum & active ingredients are infused directly into your skin to instantly re-hydrate & kick-start the repair process.
What does it do?
In only 20 minutes it achieves a smoother texture & brighter more even skin tone. Your face will look & feel lifted, reducing the appearance of fine lines around the eyes & mouth, creating better definition around your cheeks & jaw.
The best bit
Down-time is zero, you can put make-up on straight after & show up looking a million dollars.
Look & feel great today
Can a facial cure a hangover? You don’t need to feel hungover, the “Micro O2” is the go to facial for models & A-listers who love that dewy fresh-faced look. Book-in & look fabulous for the big events as well as the day after!
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Results Laser Clinics is one of Australia’s most trusted provider of Laser Hair Removal, Skin treatments & Cosmetic Treatments. We are committed to delivering results that make you look & feel your best. Save time and buy treatments from the comfort of your own home via a Results Online account! You can also book a complimentary consultation online! Or, see our full price list here.