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Removal of Capillaries – IPL Treatments
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Broken Capillaries Treatment
Broken capillaries and veins are treated by selectively heating and destroying different sized capillaries and veins at depth’s below the skins surface with excellent results. Results Laser Clinic uses Intense Pulse Light technology (IPL) to destroy Capillaries and Veins – a new and effective, light based therapeutic treatment called Photo Rejuvenation. The Palomar IPL system technology offers the most effective and long lasting results for the widest range of benign vascular lesions. Our highly trained specialists are now able to treat complex and interwoven networks of large vessels and webs of small capillaries and facial veins with pinpoint accuracy. Eliminating the unwanted capillaries and veins and sparing the healthy ones. By simply delivering the IPL laser in highly focused pulses, the IPL computer-controlled system allows the skin and healthy surrounding tissue to cool down, avoiding thermal damage. With the treatment taking no longer than 25 minutes clients can schedule appointments in their lunch break.
Our specialists at Results Laser Clinic (NSW, VIC, WA, QLD and ACT) determine an IPL treatment plan based on the individual, taking into account the number, severity of the skin condition and skin type being treated. On average, 1 to 4 treatments are recommended at intervals of 2 – 3 weeks. IPL treatment provide gradual, natural improvements with excellent long term results. Intense Pulsed Light therapy uses multiple wavelengths of light to treat the dilated blood vessels in the face. The structures and blood vessels causing the capillaries to flare up, absorb the precise energy level and various wavelengths of light that are emitted from the IPL technology. Effectively, the light waves are absorbed by haemoglobin (the substance that gives blood the reddish, purple colour) and converted into heat. This heat causes the walls of the vein to collapse which, in turn, stops the blood flow. Once this happens, the vein is slowly absorbed into the body, disappearing from sight. Over time and with the right course of treatment, the look of facial veins and capillaries become visibly reduced resulting in a more rejuvenated, younger look.
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