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Women’s hair thinning: how to treat it

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Women’s hair thinning: how to treat it! As women, most of us are exceptionally proud and conscious of the luscious locks of hair on our heads. So when some women begin to experience hair thinning or hair loss, it’s fair to say that it can play on our minds and sometimes get us down. On average, we lose approximately 50-100 strands of hair a day. That’s totally normal, and it’s usually not noticeable, because we have new hair growing in at the same time to replace it. Some of us run into a bit of concern when we are losing hair, but for a number of different reasons, nothing is growing back to replace it, causing your hair to start thinning out.
There are so, so many different hair products, pills, treatments and home remedies on the market that all claim to help restore hair growth, and this can become a minefield of choices and decisions. Which ones actually work? At Results Laser Clinic, we understand that you want to feel confident that your treatment is effective and affordable. That’s why Results Laser Clinic offers Hair Regrowth Therapy, a 100% natural treatment that uses the body’s own enriched properties and growth factors to repair weakened hair follicles and encourage new hair growth. This article will help to answer some of your questions about this treatment and why we think it’s the best treatment for hair thinning and hair loss!

What causes hair thinning?
There are a number of different reasons women may need to look into Hair Regrowth Therapy. Hair thinning and hair loss can occur for a number of reasons. Firstly, there could be a chance that you are genetically predisposed to hair thinning. This may mean a progressive, graduation reduction in hair growth and volume. In females, genetic hair loss commonly occurs along the part of the hair.
There are also other, reactive forms of hair loss, in which a trigger has caused a hormonal imbalance or affected the integrity of your hair. Certain hormonal imbalances can cause numerous health and beauty concerns, including hair thinning. High levels of stress can also contribute to hair thinning and scalp problems. Other causes of hair thinning include iron deficiency/anemia, thyroid issues, dramatic weight loss, and general aging. Certain hairstyles including braids and dreadlocks may cause traction alopecia hair loss. This is caused by repeated and prolonged pulling or tension being placed on the hair strands and follicles.
What is Women’s hair thinning Hair Regrowth Therapy?
Hair Regrowth Therapy harnesses the restorative power of our body’s naturally rich nutrients. Sounds pretty awesome, right? This treatment is performed in our clinics by our experienced Cosmetic Nurses. Firstly, a small amount of your blood is taken, exactly like having a routine blood test. From there, your blood is placed into a centrifuge machine to separate the components. The enriched properties in your blood (the concentrated platelets and plasma – which we refer to as ‘liquid gold’) are extracted and then reinjected back into your scalp, where hair thinning and hair loss is present. The enriched properties contain growth factors, which are responsible for tissue regeneration, boosting natural collagen production, and increasing blood supply to the hair follicles. Once injected into the scalp, the growth factores release several enzymes to stimulate and promote hair growth.
Because this treatment uses only your blood and nutrients, it is one of the safest and most natural cosmetic treatments available today. It has been performed in hospital systems for over 20 years and used in sports medicine for its effective wound-healing properties, so you can feel comfortable knowing it is a well-known and established procedure.

Does Hair Regrowth Therapy Work for Everyone?
Hair Regrowth Therapy does not work for all hair loss conditions, however, it can treat the following:
- Genetic hair loss
- Androgenetic alopecia (female/male pattern baldness)
- Hair thinning
- Stress-related hair loss
- Stimulate newly transplanted follicles, and
- Compliment and existing hair loss medication treatment plan
If you aren’t sure if this treatment will be right for you, Results Laser Clinic offers free Hair Regrowth Therapy consultations where you can talk to one of our experienced Cosmetic Nurses, who will provide advice tailored to your specific concerns.
What are the benefits of Women’s hair thinning treatment?
Hair Regrowth Therapy enables hair to have the best chance of thickening, strengthening and growth. Hair Regrowth Therapy at results Laser Clinic boosts natural collagen production and increases blood supply to the hair follicles. This triggers the growth phase of your hair, and slows the rate of hair loss, increasing the thickness of the hair shaft and enabling hair to become thicker, fuller and controls the cycle of hair growth. Hair Regrowth Therapy promotes an overall healthy scalp and healthy hair growth, and it has a minimal risk of infection or allergy.
Is Women’s Hair Regrowth Therapy Permanent?
The team at Results Laser Clinic recommend following a treatment plan set out by our Cosmetic Nurses, in order to achieve the best results. Recommended treatment intervals are approximately 4 weeks apart. Once the recommended course of treatments is complete, the effects are long-lasting, however not permanent. Additional top-up treatments may be required.

How to look after your scalp post-treatment
After your treatment, it is important to follow aftercare guidelines to ensure you have the best recovery and the best possible results! Some post-treatment tips include:
- Avoid excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, very hot showers and excessive amounts of alcohol.
- Avoid washing your hair and using a hair dryer for 24 hours post-treatment. Avoid wearing hats where possible to avoid infection.
- To help reduce swelling, we recommend sleeping with an extra pillow to keep the head elevated slightly.
- To maintain the stimulation of hair growth factors, it’s important to keep the treated areas at a regular body temperature. Try and have lukewarm showers so the treated area is not too hot or too cold.
Is Women’s Hair Regrowth Therapy Painful?
There may be mild discomfort experienced with the injections performed as part of Hair Regrowth Therapy. To assist with any discomfort, numbing cream can be applied to the scalp. Side effects of Hair Regrowth Therapy are usually well tolerated. Common side effects include local irritation or redness and mild to moderate swelling. Usually, this will settle within 24-48 hours. At Results Laser Clinic, we recommend adding a LED Light Therapy treatment either immediately before or after Hair Regrowth Therapy as it can help minimise swelling and bruising, and further enhance your results!
Have more questions about Hair Regrowth Therapy?
Still, have some unanswered questions about Women’s hair thinning treatment, or want more advice tailored specifically to your hair concerns? No problem! You can pop into your nearest clinic, or book a Hair Regrowth consultation through our online booking platform. Our team of experienced Cosmetic Nurses at Results Laser Clinic are based in clinics across Australia. At Results Laser Clinic, we want you to feel informed, comfortable and confident about starting your hair regrowth journey!