Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal Treatments

Prior to treatment avoid the following;
- Spray tan or tanning creams for a minimum 2 weeks
- Sunbaking or solariums 1 month before
- Waxing, plucking or bleaching hair 1 month before
- Skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products
- Photosensitive medications
Shave the treatment areas 24hrs prior to treatment.
A mild sunburn- like sensation is anticipated. This usually calms within 2-12 hours of treatment, but may last up to 2 days.
For immediate relief, apply Results Recovery Gel to cool and hydrate the skin, as well as cooling skin under cold running water or applying a cold compress to reduce heat in the skin.
Until redness has completely resolved, avoid shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, very hot showers and tight restrictive clothing.
Apply Results Active Protect SPF 50 daily to sun exposed areas between treatments.
Appearance of “stubble” may appear between 1-4 weeks. This is not hair re-growth, but the treated hairs being purged from the follicle. Allow this hair to fall out on its own.
Results Active Smooth can be used to gently exfoliate the area. Little red itchy bumps may appear, this is a heat rash and a common side effect of laser. It’s important to keep the area as cool as possible. Allow any blistered or open areas to heal naturally. Do not pick at the areas as it can scar. Allow any crusting to heal naturally, crusting will resolve within 3-14 days.
If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection we recommend you contact your GP.
Cosmetic Injectables
Anti wrinkle Treatments

Your safety during treatment is important to us! Please be honest when completing your consultation form and update your therapist if any of the below change for you;
- Medical conditions
- Prescription medications (anti inflammatories or blood thinners)
- Active skincare products (e.g. Retionls)
- Alcohol 24 hours before treatment
- Avoid facial laser hair removal, bleaching, plucking and waxing 48 hours before treatment.
- Do NOT rub or massage the treated areas for 4 hrs after your treatment
- Do NOT practice Yoga or any type of strenuous exercise for 4 hrs after treatment
- Avoid facials or saunas for 4 hrs after your treatment. This will minimise the risk of raising your blood pressure and therefor minimise the risk of temporary bruising. Feel free to shower and go about most other regular daily activities.
- Do NOT lie down for 4 hrs after treatment. This is to avoid the risk of pressure on the treated areas (from your pillow) and to avoid the risk of having the area rubbed accidentally.
- Be assured that any tiny bumps or marks will go away within a few hours. If you need to apply makeup within 4hrs after your treatment, we recommend mineral based makeup applied gently to the face to avoid rubbing the treated area.
Please do not rub the injected area immediately after the treatment and please remain upright for 4 hrs after the injection.
It is very important to keep your two week follow up appointment, even if you don’t feel that you need to see your cosmetic nurse.
Cosmetic Injectables
Dermal Fillers

Your safety during treatment is important to us! Please be honest when completing your consultation form and update your therapist if any of the below change for you;
- Medical conditions
- Prescription medications (anti inflammatories or blood thinners)
- Active skincare products (e.g. Retionls)
- Alcohol 24 hours before treatment
- Avoid facial laser hair removal, bleaching, plucking and waxing 48 hours before treatment.
Immediately after treatment with a dermal filler, there may be a slight redness, swelling, tenderness or an itching sensation in the treated area. This is a normal result of the injection and generally disappears in a few days. The initial swelling after a lip treatment may last longer. If symptoms persist, or other reactions occur please contact your physician.
Where possible, please use the 3 C’s of post-treatment outlined below, as well as any other instructions given by your cosmetic nurse.
- Apply a cool compress for 10 minutes every hour on the day of treatment (do not apply ice directly on your skin)
- Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours
- Do not expose the area to intense heat (e.g. solarium or sauna)
- Avoid pressure on treated areas for the first few nights(i.e. sleep on back if possible)
- Pain relief such as paracetamol may be taken as directed by your physician
- Consider a topical treatment such as Restylane Recover cream to help calm and sooth your skin
- Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
- Do not use AHA, Retinols/Vitamin C therapy or oil based make-up for 24 hours
- Avoid facials, facial waxing, Glycolic or AHA peels, IPL or energy based treatments and microdermabrasion for two weeks after treatment. Please check with your physician before undergoing other facial treatments within this time
- Do not massage the treated area unless instructed by your physician
- There is a small chance that a treatment may induce an outbreak of facial cold sores in patients with a previous history
Most clients choose to have follow-up treatments 6 to 12 months after an initial treatment. Lips are generally retreated after approximately 6 months. It may be that the affects you desire will require additional filling and we recommend that you return to the clinic so that we can assess your satisfaction with the outcome after 2-4 weeks.
The effects will last between 4-9 months so we recommend that you stay ahead of the effects of skin damage and repeat the application before the problem area become too noticeable.
It is very important to keep your two week follow up appointment, even if you don’t feel that you need to see your cosmetic nurse.
Skin Treatments

Prior to treatment avoid the following;
- Spray tan or tanning creams for a minimum 2 weeks
- Sunbaking or solariums 1 month before
- Skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products
Temporary redness will gradually subside over the next 24 -48 hours. In some rare cases it can last up to
72 hours.
Any impurities under the skin will come to the surface, breakouts are common and are a good sign your skin is clearing impurities from within.
Until redness has resolved avoid the use of Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, and/or very hot showers.
You may experience some dryness or peeling, apply Results Active Moist daily to keep your skin hydrated.
Always remember to protect your skin from the sun by applying Results Protect SPF 50 daily.
Some clients may experience scratching or minor grazing of the skin. This will take around a week to heal. Apply Results Recovery Gel to the area to soothe the skin. Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral based makeup after treatment. Do not book laser treatments on any part of your face for at least 7 days after treatment.
If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection we recommend you contact your GP.
Skin Treatments
Oxygen Facial

There are no specific aftercare instructions for Oxygen Facial Therapy, as there is absolutely no recovery time from the treatment. You can always consult your therapist if you have any questions or concerns. Always remember to continue to protect your skin from future damage by using your SPF50+ Sunscreen every day!
Skin Treatments
Skin Needling

Prior to treatment avoid the following;
- Spray tan or tanning creams for a minimum 2 weeks
- Sunbaking or solariums 1 month before
- Skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products
- If an active breakout occurs before treatment, please contact your clinic
Your skin will feel warm and appear pink. You may notice slight swelling, scratching or needle bruising. This will reduce over the next 24-48 hours.
Temporary redness of the skin may occur, this will subside within 24-48 hours. In some rare cases it can last up to 72 hours. Apply a cold compress or ice pack for 10 minutes per hour to reduce heat in the skin. Results Recovery Gel can be applied to the face to soothe the skin.
Until redness has resolved avoid the use of AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, and/or very hot showers.
Sleep on your back to avoid rubbing the skin. Sleeping with an extra pillow can also lift the head and help reduce swelling. Over the coming days you may notice your skin becoming tight, dry, flaking or experience minor breakouts. These are common side effects and a good sign the treatment is working.
Apply Results Active Moist daily to keep your skin hydrated. Do not pick, scratch or remove flaking skin, this can lead to infection or scarring. Always remember to protect your skin from the sun by applying Results Protect SPF 50 daily.
Do not book laser treatments on any part of your face for at least 7 days after treatment. LED Advanced Light Therapy immediately after treatment can help minimise side effects as well as enhance your results! Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral based makeup after treatment.
If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection we recommend you contact your GP.
Skin Treatments
Chemical Peels

Prior to treatment avoid the following;
- Spray tan or tanning creams for a minimum 2 weeks
- Sunbaking or solariums 1 month before
- Skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products
- If an active breakout occurs before treatment, please contact your clinic
Your skin may feel warm, appear pink and swell, this redness and swelling will gradually subside over the next 24-48 hours. In some cases, it can last up to 72 hours.
Apply a cold compress or ice pack for 10 minutes per hour to reduce heat in the skin. Results Recovery Gel can be applied to the face to soothe the skin. Until redness has resolved avoid the use of AHA (AlphaHydroxy Acid) or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, and/or very hot showers.
Over the coming days you may notice your skin becoming tight, dry, flaking or experiencing minor breakouts. These are common side effects and a good sign the treatment is working. Some areas of the skin may show mild discolouration but this will subside within 1-4 weeks. Apply Results Active Moist daily to keep your skin hydrated.
Do not pick, scratch or remove flaking skin, this can lead to infection or scarring. Always remember to protect your skin from the sun by applying Results Protect SPF 50 daily.
Do not book laser treatments on any part of your face for at least 7 days after treatment.
LED Advanced Light Therapy immediately after treatment can help minimise side effects as well as enhance your results!
Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral based makeup after treatment.
If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection we recommend you contact your GP.
Skin Treatments
LED Light Therapy

Whilst there is no specific aftercare needed after having LED Light Therapy, basic skin care is required as with all other treatments. Always remember to apply your RESULTS ACTIVE PROTECT SPF 50+ sunscreen every day to protect your skin from the sun to avoid further trauma to the skin.
If you have used LED Light Therapy in conjunction with other treatments, always remember to follow the aftercare of the treatment provided. Further advice can be found on the aftercare sheets that are given to clients directly after treatment by our therapists.
Skin Treatments
Fractional RF

Prior to treatment avoid the following;
- Spray tan or tanning creams for a minimum 2 weeks
- Sunbaking or solariums 1 month before
- Skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products
- If an active breakout occurs before treatment, please contact your clinic
You will experience intense redness and swelling which will subside over 24 -72 hours. In some cases prolonged redness or blistering may occur. Apply a cold compress or ice pack for 10 minutes per hour to reduce heat in the skin.
Results Recovery Gel can be applied to the face to soothe the skin. Until redness has resolved avoid the use of AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, very hot showers and tight restrictive clothing.
Over the coming days you may notice your skin becoming tight, dry, flaking or experiencing minor breakouts. These are common side effects and a good sign the treatment is working.
The area will also scab or crust with the appearance of tiny black dots. They will naturally peel off over the next 2-4 days and completely heal in 7-10 days. Apply Results Active Moist daily to keep your skin hydrated. Do not pick, scratch or remove flaking skin, this can lead to infection or scarring.
Always remember to protect your skin from the sun by applying Results Protect SPF 50 daily. Do not book laser treatments on any part of your face or treatment area for at least 7 days after treatment. LED Advanced Light Therapy immediately after treatment can help minimise side effects as well as enhance your results! Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral based makeup after treatment.
If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection we recommend you contact your GP.
Skin Treatments
Non Surgical Face Lift/ Eye Lift

Prior to treatment avoid the following;
- Spray tan or tanning creams for a minimum 2 weeks
- Sunbaking or solariums 1 month before
- Skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products
- Photosensitive medications
Your skin may feel tender and warm, while bruising and swelling can also occur. This will gradually reduce over the next 24 – 48 hours. In some cases it may take up to 72 hours. Results Recovery Gel can be applied to the face to soothe the skin.
Until redness has resolved, avoid the use of AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas and very hot showers.
Over the coming days you may notice your skin may start to feel dry. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and apply Results Active Moist daily. Always remember to protect your skin from the sun by applying Results Protect SPF 50 daily. Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral based makeup after treatment.
If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection we recommend you contact your GP.
Skin Treatments
Pigmentation Laser

Prior to treatment avoid the following;
- Spray tan or tanning creams for a minimum 2 weeks
- Sunbaking or solariums 1 month before
- Skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products
- Photosensitive medications
Avoid exposing the area to sun and tanning a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment and always protect your skin with Sunscreen SPF 50.
Do not use self-tan or visit a solarium for at least one month before your treatment. The procedure may have to be postponed if you have a tan due to an increased risk of pigmentation change. Avoid use of skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products, and photosensitive medications for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment.
A mild sunburn- like sensation is anticipated. This usually calms down within 2-12 hours of treatment, but may last up to 2 days. For immediate relief, cool skin under cold running water or apply cold compress to reduce heat in the skin. Pigment may appear darker and also scab, blister or crust. They will naturally peel off over the next 2-7 days and completely heal in 7-14 days.
In some cases, prolonged redness or blistering may occur. Results Recovery Gel should be applied to cool and soothe treated areas. Until redness has resolved avoid the use of AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, very hot showers and tight restrictive clothing.
Apply Results Active Moist daily to keep your skin hydrated. Do not pick, scratch or remove flaking skin, as this can lead to infection or scarring. Do not book laser treatments on any part of your face or treatment area for at least 7 days after treatment. There is a possibility of hair-loss in the treated area. Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral based makeup after treatment
If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection we recommend you contact your GP.
Skin Treatments
IPL Photo Rejuvenation

Prior to treatment avoid the following;
- Spray tan or tanning creams for a minimum 2 weeks
- Sunbaking or solariums 1 month before
- Skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products
- Photosensitive medications
Avoid exposing the area to sun and tanning a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment and always protect your skin with Sunscreen SPF 50.
Do not use self-tan or visit a solarium for at least one month before your treatment. The procedure may have to be postponed if you have a tan due to an increased risk of pigmentation change. Avoid use of skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products, and photosensitive medications for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment.
A mild sunburn- like sensation is anticipated. This usually calms down within 2-12 hours of treatment, but may last up to 2 days. For immediate relief, cool skin under cold running water or apply cold compress to reduce heat in the skin. Pigment may appear darker and also scab, blister or crust. They will naturally peel off over the next 2-7 days and completely heal in 7-14 days.
In some cases, prolonged redness or blistering may occur. Results Recovery Gel should be applied to cool and soothe treated areas. Until redness has resolved avoid the use of AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, very hot showers and tight restrictive clothing. Apply Results Active Moist daily to keep your skin hydrated. Do not pick, scratch or remove flaking skin, as this can lead to infection or scarring.
Do not book laser treatments on any part of your face or treatment area for at least 7 days after treatment.
There is a possibility of hair-loss in the treated area.
Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral based makeup after treatment. If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection we recommend you contact your GP.
Skin Treatments
Rosacea & Capillaries Treatment

Prior to treatment avoid the following;
- Spray tan or tanning creams for a minimum 2 weeks
- Sunbaking or solariums 1 month before
- Skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products
- Photosensitive medications
Immediately after treatment, veins may appear darker and more prominent than previously. This will gradually reduce over the next 24 hours. A mild sunburn- like sensation is anticipated. This usually calms within 2-12 hours of treatment, but may last up to 2 days. For immediate relief, cool skin under cold running water or apply cold compress to reduce heat in the skin.
Results Recovery Gel should be applied to cool and hydrate treated areas. Until redness has resolved, avoid the use of AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, very hot showers and tight restrictive clothing.
The area may also scab, blister or crust. This will naturally peel over the next 2-4 days and completely heal within 7-10 days. Apply Results Active Moist daily to keep your skin hydrated. Do not pick, scratch or remove flaking skin as this can lead to infection or scarring.
Always remember to protect your skin from the sun by applying Results Protect SPF 50 daily. Do not book laser treatments on any part of your face or treatment area for at least 7 days after treatment. Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral based makeup after treatment.
If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection we recommend you contact your GP.
Facial Threads
PDO Mono Threads

2-4 Weeks Prior to Treatment:
- Please avoid the sun and tanning a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment and always protect your skin with Sunscreen SPF 50.
- Cosmetic Injectable treatments including Anti Wrinkle treatments (2 weeks prior) & Dermal Fillers (4 weeks prior)
- Avoid the use of skincare products containing active ingredients such as vitamin A, retinol, or glycolic acid.
- Avoid supplements that increase bruising and bleeding such as; Green Tea, Omegas, Primrose Oil, Garlic, Echinacea, Vitamin E, and multivitamins.
- Avoid the use of Nurofen, Aspirin, and other anti-inflammatories/anticoagulation medications.
What to expect after treatment:
- Expect mild to moderate redness, swelling, and bruising, which will typically take 7-14 days to resolve. You can apply arnica gel or ointment immediately after your procedure. Use as needed.
- A stinging or “pulling” pain or discomfort or scratchy sensation is normal and will generally subside by 2 to 8 weeks.
- You may experience delayed healing and tenderness which will subside between 2 to 8 weeks or maybe longer.
- If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection, or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection, we recommend you contact your GP.
Caring for the treatment area:
- Keep the dressing tape and area of insertion dry for at least 24-48 hours, or as recommended.
- Place a cold compact on the area for 5 to 10 minutes, every hour, to reduce pain and swelling. Continue this for the 24 hours following the procedure, if required.
- LED Light Therapy immediately before or after treatment can help minimise the swelling and bruising as well as enhance your results!
- Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral-based makeup after treatment.
What to avoid after treatment:
- DO NOT massage areas where the PDO Threads are placed unless instructed by your Cosmetic Nurse.
- Avoid touching the area for 24 hours and try to avoid direct pressure on your face (recommend sleeping on your back) for 1 week.
- Until swelling/bruising has resolved avoid the use of AHA or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming, or saunas, very hot showers, and excessive amounts of alcohol.
- Do not book laser, skin, or other cosmetic injectable treatments on any part of your face for at least 2 weeks after treatment. Wait 2 weeks for Anti Wrinkle injections, and 4 weeks for Dermal Fillers. DO NOT undergo dental procedures for at least 4- 6 weeks.
Facial Threads
Fox Eye Or Brow Thread Lift

2-4 Weeks Prior to Treatment:
- Please avoid the sun and tanning a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment and always protect your skin with Sunscreen SPF 50.
- Cosmetic Injectable treatments including Anti Wrinkle treatments (2 weeks prior) & Dermal Fillers (4 weeks prior)
- Avoid the use of skincare products containing active ingredients such as vitamin A, retinol, or glycolic acid.
- Avoid supplements that increase bruising and bleeding such as; Green Tea, Omegas, Primrose Oil, Garlic, Echinacea, Vitamin E, and multivitamins.
- Avoid the use of Nurofen, Aspirin, and other anti-inflammatories/anticoagulation medications.
What to expect after treatment:
- Expect mild to moderate redness, swelling, and bruising, which will typically take 7-14 days to resolve. You can apply arnica gel or ointment immediately after your procedure. Use as needed.
- A stinging or “pulling” pain or discomfort or scratchy sensation is normal and will generally subside by 2 to 8 weeks.
- You may experience delayed healing and tenderness which will subside between 2 to 8 weeks or maybe longer.
- If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection, or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection, we recommend you contact your GP.
Caring for the treatment area:
- Keep the dressing tape and area of insertion dry for at least 24-48 hours, or as recommended.
- Place a cold compact on the area for 5 to 10 minutes, every hour, to reduce pain and swelling. Continue this for the 24 hours following the procedure, if required.
- LED Light Therapy immediately before or after treatment can help minimise the swelling and bruising as well as enhance your results!
- Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral-based makeup after treatment.
- If you have been provided with a Compression Face Sling, wear it consistently for 48-72 hours immediately following the procedure. Continue to wear the sling at night for 1-2 weeks. This helps to keep the Threads in place and reduce swelling following the procedure.
What to avoid after treatment:
- DO NOT massage areas where the PDO Threads are placed unless instructed by your Cosmetic Nurse.
- Avoid touching the area for 24 hours and try to avoid direct pressure on your face (recommend sleeping on your back) for 1 week.
- Until swelling/bruising has resolved avoid the use of AHA or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming, or saunas, very hot showers, and excessive amounts of alcohol.
- Do not book laser, skin, or other cosmetic injectable treatments on any part of your face for at least 2 weeks after treatment. Wait 2 weeks for Anti Wrinkle injections, and 4 weeks for Dermal Fillers. DO NOT undergo dental procedures for at least 4- 6 weeks.
Facial Threads
Facial Thread Lifts

2-4 Weeks Prior to Treatment:
- Please avoid the sun and tanning a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment and always protect your skin with Sunscreen SPF 50.
- Cosmetic Injectable treatments including Anti Wrinkle treatments (2 weeks prior) & Dermal Fillers (4 weeks prior)
- Avoid the use of skincare products containing active ingredients such as vitamin A, retinol, or glycolic acid.
- Avoid supplements that increase bruising and bleeding such as; Green Tea, Omegas, Primrose Oil, Garlic, Echinacea, Vitamin E, and multivitamins.
- Avoid the use of Nurofen, Aspirin, and other anti-inflammatories/anticoagulation medications.
What to expect after treatment:
- Expect mild to moderate redness, swelling, and bruising, which will typically take 7-14 days to resolve. You can apply arnica gel or ointment immediately after your procedure. Use as needed.
- A stinging or “pulling” pain or discomfort or scratchy sensation is normal and will generally subside by 2 to 8 weeks.
- You may experience delayed healing and tenderness which will subside between 2 to 8 weeks or maybe longer.
- If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection, or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection, we recommend you contact your GP.
Caring for the treatment area:
- Keep the dressing tape and area of insertion dry for at least 24-48 hours, or as recommended.
- Place a cold compact on the area for 5 to 10 minutes, every hour, to reduce pain and swelling. Continue this for the 24 hours following the procedure, if required.
- LED Light Therapy immediately before or after treatment can help minimise the swelling and bruising as well as enhance your results!
- Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral-based makeup after treatment.
- If you have been provided with a Compression Face Sling, wear it consistently for 48-72 hours immediately following the procedure. Continue to wear the sling at night for 1-2 weeks. This helps to keep the Threads in place and reduce swelling following the procedure.
What to avoid after treatment:
- DO NOT massage areas where the PDO Threads are placed unless instructed by your Cosmetic Nurse.
- Avoid touching the area for 24 hours and try to avoid direct pressure on your face (recommend sleeping on your back) for 1 week.
- Until swelling/bruising has resolved avoid the use of AHA or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming, or saunas, very hot showers, and excessive amounts of alcohol.
- Do not book laser, skin, or other cosmetic injectable treatments on any part of your face for at least 2 weeks after treatment. Wait 2 weeks for Anti Wrinkle injections, and 4 weeks for Dermal Fillers. DO NOT undergo dental procedures for at least 4- 6 weeks.
Rejuve Therapies
Hair Regrowth Therapy

4-2 Weeks Prior:
Please avoid tanning and direct sunlight a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment and always protect your skin with sunscreen SPF 50.
Cosmetic Injectable treatments including Anti Wrinkle treatments (2 weeks prior) & Dermal Fillers (4 weeks prior) require a minimum 4 week wait until PRP treatment can be performed.
1 Week Prior:
- Do not take any oral corticosteroids (eg prednisone)
- Avoid advanced skin treatments 1 week prior to treatment.
- Avoid supplements that increase bruising and bleeding such as; Green Tea, Omegas, Primrose Oil, Garlic, Echinacea, Vitamin E, and multivitamins.
- Avoid the use of Nurofen, Aspirin and anti-inflammatories.
- Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, tea, coffee and other caffeine products before your treatment.
- For treatments on the face avoid use of skincare products containing active ingredients such as vitamin A, retinol or glycolic acid.
- Ensure you have not been on Accutane in the past 6 months.
- Wash hair night before treatment
Day of treatment
Drink plenty of water, up to 1 litre on the morning of procedure for ease of blood draw..
Your skin will feel warm and appear pink. Minor bleeding, swelling and bruising are common reactions to the treatment. These will reduce over the next 24-48 hours.
Until redness has resolved avoid the use of AHA or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, very hot showers and excessive amounts of alcohol.
Sleep on your back to avoid rubbing the skin. Sleeping with an extra pillow can also lift the head and help reduce swelling. Over the coming days you may notice your skin becoming tight, dry, and tender.
Apply Results Recovery Gel to treated areas to keep your skin hydrated.
For face treatments, gently massage the area with Arnica cream to help minimise swelling and bruising.
Avoid touching your face or the treatment area as this can lead to infection.
Do not book laser, skin or other cosmetic injectable treatments on any part of your face for at least 2 weeks after treatment. Wait 2 weeks for Anti Wrinkle injections, and 4 weeks for Dermal Fillers.
For hair regeneration clients, avoid washing hair and using a hair dryer for 24 hours post treatment and avoid wearing hats. If you must wear a hat ensure it is new or clean to avoid infection.
LED Light Therapy immediately before or after treatment can help minimise the swelling and bruising as well as enhance your results!
Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral based makeup after treatment.
Rejuve Therapies
Eye Rejuve Therapy

4-2 Weeks Prior
Please avoid tanning and direct sunlight a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment and always protect your skin with sunscreen SPF 50.
Cosmetic Injectable treatments including Anti Wrinkle treatments (2 weeks prior) & Dermal Fillers (4 weeks prior) require a minimum 4 week wait until PRP treatment can be performed.
1 Week Prior:
- Do not take any oral corticosteroids (eg prednisone)
- Avoid advanced skin treatments 1 week prior to treatment.
- Avoid supplements that increase bruising and bleeding such as; Green Tea, Omegas, Primrose Oil, Garlic, Echinacea, Vitamin E, and multivitamins.
- Avoid the use of Nurofen, Aspirin and anti-inflammatories.
- Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, tea, coffee and other caffeine products before your treatment.
- For treatments on the face avoid use of skincare products containing active ingredients such as vitamin A, retinol or glycolic acid.
- Ensure you have not been on Accutane in the past 6 months.
- Wash hair night before treatment
Day of treatment
Drink plenty of water, up to 1 litre on the morning of procedure for ease of blood draw..
Your skin will feel warm and appear pink. Minor bleeding, swelling and bruising are common reactions to the treatment. These will reduce over the next 24-48 hours.
Until redness has resolved avoid the use of AHA or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, very hot showers and excessive amounts of alcohol.
Sleep on your back to avoid rubbing the skin. Sleeping with an extra pillow can also lift the head and help reduce swelling. Over the coming days you may notice your skin becoming tight, dry, and tender.
Apply Results Recovery Gel to treated areas to keep your skin hydrated.
For face treatments, gently massage the area with Arnica cream to help minimise swelling and bruising.
Avoid touching your face or the treatment area as this can lead to infection.
Do not book laser, skin or other cosmetic injectable treatments on any part of your face for at least 2 weeks after treatment. Wait 2 weeks for Anti Wrinkle injections, and 4 weeks for Dermal Fillers.
For hair regeneration clients, avoid washing hair and using a hair dryer for 24 hours post treatment and avoid wearing hats. If you must wear a hat ensure it is new or clean to avoid infection.
LED Light Therapy immediately before or after treatment can help minimise the swelling and bruising as well as enhance your results!
Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral based makeup after treatment.
Rejuve Therapies
Facial Rejuve Therapy

4-2 Weeks Prior:
Please avoid tanning and direct sunlight a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment and always protect your skin with sunscreen SPF 50.
Cosmetic Injectable treatments including Anti Wrinkle treatments (2 weeks prior) & Dermal Fillers (4 weeks prior) require a minimum 4 week wait until PRP treatment can be performed.
1 Week Prior:
- Do not take any oral corticosteroids (eg prednisone)
- Avoid advanced skin treatments 1 week prior to treatment.
- Avoid supplements that increase bruising and bleeding such as; Green Tea, Omegas, Primrose Oil, Garlic, Echinacea, Vitamin E, and multivitamins.
- Avoid the use of Nurofen, Aspirin and anti-inflammatories.
- Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, tea, coffee and other caffeine products before your treatment.
- For treatments on the face avoid use of skincare products containing active ingredients such as vitamin A, retinol or glycolic acid.
- Ensure you have not been on Accutane in the past 6 months.
- Wash hair night before treatment
Day of treatment
Drink plenty of water, up to 1 litre on the morning of procedure for ease of blood draw..
Your skin will feel warm and appear pink. Minor bleeding, swelling and bruising are common reactions to the treatment. These will reduce over the next 24-48 hours.
Until redness has resolved avoid the use of AHA or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, very hot showers and excessive amounts of alcohol.
Sleep on your back to avoid rubbing the skin. Sleeping with an extra pillow can also lift the head and help reduce swelling. Over the coming days you may notice your skin becoming tight, dry, and tender.
Apply Results Recovery Gel to treated areas to keep your skin hydrated.
For face treatments, gently massage the area with Arnica cream to help minimise swelling and bruising.
Avoid touching your face or the treatment area as this can lead to infection.
Do not book laser, skin or other cosmetic injectable treatments on any part of your face for at least 2 weeks after treatment. Wait 2 weeks for Anti Wrinkle injections, and 4 weeks for Dermal Fillers.
For hair regeneration clients, avoid washing hair and using a hair dryer for 24 hours post treatment and avoid wearing hats. If you must wear a hat ensure it is new or clean to avoid infection.
LED Light Therapy immediately before or after treatment can help minimise the swelling and bruising as well as enhance your results!
Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral based makeup after treatment.
Rejuve Therapies
Neck Dec or Hands Rejuve Therapy

4-2 Weeks Prior:
Please avoid tanning and direct sunlight a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment and always protect your skin with sunscreen SPF 50.
Cosmetic Injectable treatments including Anti Wrinkle treatments (2 weeks prior) & Dermal Fillers (4 weeks prior) require a minimum 4 week wait until PRP treatment can be performed.
1 Week Prior:
- Do not take any oral corticosteroids (eg prednisone)
- Avoid advanced skin treatments 1 week prior to treatment.
- Avoid supplements that increase bruising and bleeding such as; Green Tea, Omegas, Primrose Oil, Garlic, Echinacea, Vitamin E, and multivitamins.
- Avoid the use of Nurofen, Aspirin and anti-inflammatories.
- Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, tea, coffee and other caffeine products before your treatment.
- For treatments on the face avoid use of skincare products containing active ingredients such as vitamin A, retinol or glycolic acid.
- Ensure you have not been on Accutane in the past 6 months.
- Wash hair night before treatment
Day of treatment
Drink plenty of water, up to 1 litre on the morning of procedure for ease of blood draw..
Your skin will feel warm and appear pink. Minor bleeding, swelling and bruising are common reactions to the treatment. These will reduce over the next 24-48 hours.
Until redness has resolved avoid the use of AHA or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, very hot showers and excessive amounts of alcohol.
Sleep on your back to avoid rubbing the skin. Sleeping with an extra pillow can also lift the head and help reduce swelling. Over the coming days you may notice your skin becoming tight, dry, and tender.
Apply Results Recovery Gel to treated areas to keep your skin hydrated.
For face treatments, gently massage the area with Arnica cream to help minimise swelling and bruising.
Avoid touching your face or the treatment area as this can lead to infection.
Do not book laser, skin or other cosmetic injectable treatments on any part of your face for at least 2 weeks after treatment. Wait 2 weeks for Anti Wrinkle injections, and 4 weeks for Dermal Fillers.
For hair regeneration clients, avoid washing hair and using a hair dryer for 24 hours post treatment and avoid wearing hats. If you must wear a hat ensure it is new or clean to avoid infection.
LED Light Therapy immediately before or after treatment can help minimise the swelling and bruising as well as enhance your results!
Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral based makeup after treatment.
Body Treatments
Fat Reduction & Body Contouring

Prior to treatment avoid the following;
- Spray tan or tanning creams for a minimum 2 weeks
- Sunbaking or solariums 1 month before
- Skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products
- Photosensitive medications
It’s important to complete 20 minutes of exercise within 2 hours of treatment. This helps to eliminate the released fatty cells through your natural metabolic lymphatic system.
Your skin may feel tender and warm, bruising and swelling can also occur. This will gradually reduce over the next 24-48 hours. In some cases it may take up to 72 hours.
Results Recovery Gel can be applied to soothe the skin. Until redness has resolved avoid the use of AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, and/or very hot showers.
Over the coming days you may notice your skin may start to feel dry. Drink plenty of water to assist with lymphatic drainage and apply Results Active Moist daily to keep your skin hydrated. You may experience small burns and dimpled scarring, this is similar to a sunburn and will gradually reduce over the next 24 – 36 hours.
If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection we recommend you contact your GP.
Body Treatments
Skin Tightening

Prior to treatment avoid the following;
- Spray tan or tanning creams for a minimum 2 weeks
- Sunbaking or solariums 1 month before
- Skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products
- Photosensitive medications
It’s important to complete 20 minutes of exercise within 2 hours of treatment. This helps to eliminate the released fatty cells through your natural metabolic lymphatic system.
Your skin may feel tender and warm, bruising and swelling can also occur. This will gradually reduce over the next 24-48 hours. In some cases it may take up to 72 hours.
Results Recovery Gel can be applied to soothe the skin. Until redness has resolved avoid the use of AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, and/or very hot showers.
Over the coming days you may notice your skin may start to feel dry. Drink plenty of water to assist with lymphatic drainage and apply Results Active Moist daily to keep your skin hydrated.
You may experience small burns and dimpled scarring, this is similar to a sunburn and will gradually reduce over the next 24 – 36 hours.
If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection we recommend you contact your GP.
Body Treatments
Cellulite Reduction

Prior to treatment avoid the following;
- Spray tan or tanning creams for a minimum 2 weeks
- Sunbaking or solariums 1 month before
- Skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products
- Photosensitive medications
It’s important to complete 20 minutes of exercise within 2 hours of treatment. This helps to eliminate the released fatty cells through your natural metabolic lymphatic system.
Your skin may feel tender and warm, bruising and swelling can also occur. This will gradually reduce over the next 24-48 hours. In some cases it may take up to 72 hours.
Results Recovery Gel can be applied to soothe the skin. Until redness has resolved avoid the use of AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, and/or very hot showers.
Over the coming days you may notice your skin may start to feel dry. Drink plenty of water to assist with lymphatic drainage and apply Results Active Moist daily to keep your skin hydrated.
You may experience small burns and dimpled scarring, this is similar to a sunburn and will gradually reduce over the next 24 – 36 hours.
If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection we recommend you contact your GP.
Body Treatments
Stretch Mark Removal

Prior to treatment avoid the following;
- Spray tan or tanning creams for a minimum 2 weeks
- Sunbaking or solariums 1 month before
- Skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products
- If an active breakout occurs before treatment, please contact your clinic
You will experience intense redness and swelling which will subside over 24 -72 hours. In some cases prolonged redness or blistering may occur. Apply a cold compress or ice pack for 10 minutes per hour to reduce heat in the skin. Results Recovery Gel can be applied to the face to soothe the skin.
Until redness has resolved avoid the use of AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, very hot showers and tight restrictive clothing. Over the coming days you may notice your skin becoming tight, dry, flaking or experiencing minor breakouts. These are common side effects and a good sign the treatment is working.
The area will also scab or crust with the appearance of tiny black dots. They will naturally peel off over the next 2-4 days and completely heal in 7-10 days. Apply Results Active Moist daily to keep your skin hydrated. Do not pick, scratch or remove flaking skin, this can lead to infection or scarring.
Always remember to protect your skin from the sun by applying Results Protect SPF 50 daily. Do not book laser treatments on any part of your face or treatment area for at least 7 days after treatment. LED Advanced Light Therapy immediately after treatment can help minimise side effects as well as enhance your results! Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral based makeup after treatment.
If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection we recommend you contact your GP.
Body Treatments
Spider Vein Removal

Prior to treatment avoid the following;
- Spray tan or tanning creams for a minimum 2 weeks
- Sunbaking or solariums 1 month before
- Skincare products containing active ingredients, exfoliating creams, Alpha Hydroxyl (AHA) & Beta Hydroxyl (BHA) products
- Photosensitive medications
Immediately after treatment, veins may appear darker and more prominent than previously. This will gradually reduce over the next 24 hours.
A mild sunburn- like sensation is anticipated. This usually calms within 2-12 hours of treatment, but may last up to 2 days. For immediate relief, cool skin under cold running water or apply cold compress to reduce heat in the skin.
Results Recovery Gel should be applied to cool and hydrate treated areas. Until redness has resolved, avoid the use of AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) or Vitamin A products, strongly scented lotions & soaps, shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, very hot showers and tight restrictive clothing.
The area may also scab, blister or crust. This will naturally peel over the next 2-4 days and completely heal within 7-10 days. Apply Results Active Moist daily to keep your skin hydrated. Do not pick, scratch or remove flaking skin as this can lead to infection or scarring. Always remember to protect your skin from the sun by applying Results Protect SPF 50 daily.
Do not book laser treatments on any part of your face or treatment area for at least 7 days after treatment.
Only use Velvet Co Mineral Makeup or other mineral based makeup after treatment.
If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In rare cases of infection we recommend you contact your GP.