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The Ultimate Guide to Laser Hair Removal: What You Need to Know

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Here is the ultimate guide to laser!
Thinking about Laser Hair Removal but still have a few lingering questions? Maybe you’re sceptical about the results, or just feeling nervous about what to expect. Perhaps you want to make sure you have all your information correct so you can have the most effective treatment. Well, Results Laser Clinic has you covered with the ultimate guide to laser hair removal! We consider ourselves pretty knowledgeable when it comes to Laser Hair Removal, and have been treating our amazing clients for over 19 years, helping them achieve their hair-free goals.
We’re here to answer all possible questions you might have about the Laser Hair Removal process in this ultimate guide to laser. For those of you who wish to say goodbye to your razors, Results Laser Clinic’s Ultimate Laser Hair Removal Guide has everything you need to know before you go for your first treatment!
Does Laser Hair Removal really work?
Let’s start with the basics, shall we? First of all, yes, laser hair removal really does work! How, you may ask? Laser Hair Removal works by sending an intense, direct beam of light to penetrate through the skin. The laser light is attracted to the pigment found in the hair follicle, and each time the light hits this follicle, a portion of it is destroyed. Regular and consistent laser hair removal treatments ensure the hair follicle is completely destroyed, and unable to grow new hair.
For the most effective laser results, hair should be treated at the Anagen phase in the hair growth cycle. This occurs every 4-6 weeks. You might be asking, ‘what on earth does Anagen mean?’ So let us explain: Anagen refers to the active stage of hair growth, where hair is growing upwards through the hair shaft and at its most visible. This is important for laser hair removal, as the hair follicle is most receptive to the laser light due to hair being richest in protein and melanin (pigment).
At Results Laser Clinic, we use the most state of the art laser hair removal equipment in the industry. We are certified practitioners of the FDA and TGA approved Syneron Candela GentleLase PRO & YAG technology.
Does Laser Hair Removal permanently remove hair?
The first thing to acknowledge when it comes to Laser Hair Removal, is that everyone responds to laser treatments differently! With over 19 years experience performing Laser Hair Removal, we have found that clients may fall into the following 4 categories, which can affect the permanency of results.
Type #1: These clients will see a permanent removal of hair growth, with no top ups required once the recommended treatments are completed. This is the case for 70% of clients.
Type #2: These clients will see a significant reduction in hair growth, with top up treatments only needed every year or two. This scenario accounts for 20% of clients.
Type #3: Clients will see prolonged hair growth, with more regular top up treatments needed. This makes up 5% of clients.
Type #4: These clients are a combination of types 1 & 3, in which laser works more effectively on certain body parts compared to others. This makes up 5% of clients.
You will achieve the best and most effective results possible if you are following the recommended 6-10 treatments every 4 to 6 weeks. It is important to remember that:
- Every treatment will kill a portion of the hair follicle
- Follow up treatments are crucial to ensure an effective – even if you can’t see the hair!
You must be consistent in your follow up appointment, as your hair follicles are all at different stages in the hair growth cycle, so it is crucial that each one is treated at the anagen stage over a course of treatments.
Is Laser Hair Removal painful?
Laser Hair Removal is not an overly uncomfortable or painful experience. It is most commonly described as feeling like being flicked or snapped with a rubber band. Some areas may feel more sensitive than others. At Results Laser Clinic, our laser machines are paired with a cooling machine, which constantly runs a cool blast of air where the laser is being directed and helps to reduce any discomfort. We like to think that the minor level of discomfort is worth the long term results – hair-free, care free! Generally, the more treatments you have, you will experience less discomfort each time. (Helpful hint: your laser treatment will be less uncomfortable if you have properly shaved beforehand!)
Post-treatment, skin may feel hot to the touch or slightly inflamed, similar to a mild sunburn-like reaction. This is normal, and hence why it is important to follow the correct aftercare procedures to nurture skin back to its normal state. More on this further below!
Does Laser Hair Removal work on all skin types?
In the past, older Laser Hair Removal machines were only suitable for lighter skin types. However, thanks to beaut new technology *chefs kiss* Results Laser Clinic’s Candela GentlePRO MAX machines have a low absorption into melanin, which makes it the safest and most suitable option for darker skin tones. Now, all skin types are suitable for Laser Hair Removal!
What is more important in determining our suitability for laser treatment is our hair colour. Black, dark and mid-brown hair work best with Laser Hair Removal. Some level of reduction is possible with light brown and dark auburn hair. As the laser targets the pigment in the hair follicle, the treatment will not work on red, blond or grey hair.
What to expect after your first Laser Hair Removal treatment
Results from Laser Hair Removal do not happen instantly! Approximately 5-19 days post laser treatment, you will begin to see a reduction in hair growth, as the damaged hair follicles give way and the hair begins to shed and fall. “Stubble” may appear between 1-4 weeks post treatment. This is not hair growth, but the treated hairs being purged from the follicle (yay!). It is important to exfoliate the skin during this time, to ensure the shedding hairs are able to fall out easily and prevent congested hair or ingrown hairs forming. More on this in our aftercare section below.
What to do before and after your Laser Hair Removal treatments
Before and after your Laser Hair Removal appointments, there are a number of treatment guidelines that clients need to be aware of to ensure you are prepped properly before each visit.
- Please do not wax, epilate, tweeze or bleach hair between or prior to treatments. Laser Hair Removal only works on hair with the root still in-tact. Shaving or using hair removal creams between sessions is okay.
- Avoid excessive sun exposure for at least 2 weeks before and after treatment. Also, please skip out on the fake tan at least 2 weeks before your appointment, and avoid applying it in the 1-2 weeks post-treatment. Treatment areas should be thoroughly exfoliated to remove any fake tan residue.
- Treatment areas need to be free and clean from any makeup, lotions and deodorant.
- Avoid harsh products, exfoliating creams, strongly scented lotions and soaps.
After your treatment, ensure you are looking after and nurturing your skin for optimum results and recovery by following these steps.
- Do not undertake strenuous activity or physical exercise that will cause excessive sweating immediately after treatment. This will further irritate the inflamed treatment area and increase the risk of bacteria spread and infection.
- Apply a cooling gel to soothe the treatment area. Apply Results Active Recovery to treatment areas every 40 minutes to an hour for 3 hours post treatment, or as necessary.
- Protect sensitive skin post-treatment with SPF. Protect your skin from the sun – apply Results Active Protect SPF 50+ daily to sun exposed areas between treatments.
- Gentle Exfoliation 5 days post treatment can help with the shedding process. You can use Results Active Smooth.
You can shop our Laser Hair Removal Homecare Kit here.
Can you get Laser Hair Removal if you are on medication?
There are a number of contraindications that you should be aware of if you are thinking about getting Laser Hair Removal. Certain medical conditions, prescription medications or active skincare products may affect your suitability for treatment.
Laser Hair Removal is not recommended for those who are currently or have recently been on Roaccutane, as it increases the skin’s sensitivity. Any blood thinning medication may also have adverse side effects to laser treatment. At Results Laser Clinic, we always urge our clients to be upfront on their consultation forms or update our therapists if any changes to medications occur. Always consult your doctor for advice if you are unsure.
Some active skincare products should also be avoided in the week before your appointment, and in the days following. Avoid products such as Retinol, and those containing AHA/BHA or vitamin A, as they increase skin sensitivity and can impact the effectiveness of your treatment.
Feeling nervous about Laser Hair Removal?
We totally understand that some people feel nervous about going in for Laser Hair Removal! At Results Laser Clinic, we are extremely experienced in this area, and our amazing team of beauty therapists are here to ensure that you feel comfortable, at ease and confident about your treatments. We have been doing this for a long time! We hope this ultimate guide to laser was helpful. When you feel ready to start your Laser Hair Removal journey, pop in to your nearest clinic or jump online to book your free laser hair removal consultation!