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    Causes of Capillaries

    Most Causes of Capillaries and facial veins are caused by environmental factors such as sun and wind damage. However, there may also be a genetic predisposition to the problem. Men are often concerned that facial veins give the impression they drink excessive amounts of alcohol. Whilst alcohol does not cause the facial veins or capillaries  to appear, it can contribute to a dilated appearance. Other triggers for facial flushing include coffee, tea, heat, exercise and emotion. Facial Veins and Capillaries can often be attributed to:

    • Hereditary Factors
    • Chronic sun exposure
    • Exposure to wind damage
    • Exposure to extreme temperatures

    We provide a range of treatments to safely reduce the appearance of broken capillaries and instantly reduce redness caused by this skin priority. You will leave with a more even complexion and radiance that will light up any room. Visit our team of therapists for recommendations and treatment plans.


    Risk Factors

    Although the exact cause of facial veins and capillaries  may remain a mystery to each individual, a number of factors can aggravate and cause them to appear more prominently. Some of these include:

    • Sun exposure
    • Excessive cold weather
    • Aging process

    Other causes can also be attributed to:

    • Hereditary Factors
    • Oral Contraception
    • Hormone Therapyorem


    Next steps?

    Results Laser Clinics is one of Australia’s most trusted providers of Laser Hair RemovalSkin treatments & Cosmetic Aesthetics Treatments. We are committed to delivering results that make you look & feel your best. Book your free Skin Analysis and complimentary consultation with our experts today! You can also save time and buy treatments from the comfort of your own home via a Results Online account! Our full-price list can be found here.


    What To Expect of the Pigmentation Treatment

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      IPL treatments are performed to reduce melanin, the dark pigment in your skin.

      Results Laser Clinic uses Intense Pulse Light to destroy Pigmentation – a new and effective light based therapeutic treatment called Photo Rejuvenation. With the treatment taking no longer than 25 minutes, clients can schedule appointments in their lunch break. Our therapists at Results Laser Clinic determine an IPL treatment plan based on the individual, taking into account the number and severity of the skin condition being treated, as well as skin type. On average 3 to 5 treatments are recommended at intervals of 3 to 4 weeks. IPL treatments provide gradual, natural improvements with excellent long term results.

      Intense Pulsed Light therapy uses multiple wavelengths of light to emit the precise energy level to treat the melanin within the pigmentation. The IPL Palomar light pulse is directly absorbed by the pigment in the lesion. The light heats the pigment and breaks it up. The lesion darkens and crusts after treatment and is naturally shed from the skin after approximately ten days after treatment. Our highly trained specialists are able to treat this skin condition with pinpoint accuracy using the IPL computer-controlled system which allows the skin and healthy surrounding tissue to cool down, avoiding thermal damage. Over time and with the right course of treatment, skin pigmentation and freckles become visibly reduced resulting in a more rejuvenated, younger look.

      Before the treatment, the client is evaluated to ensure the lesions are benign. A biopsy of the area may also be recommended. Protective eyewear has to be worn by the patient and specialist due to the brightness of the Intense Pulse Light (IPL). During the treatment, our specialist apply a smooth, glass surface of the IPL handpiece to the skin, light is then delivered to the skin surface in precise pulses that are typically pain free. Once treatment is completed clients may feel a little heat on the surface of the treated area and some redness, which can last for 1 to 2 hours. In most cases the entire face is treated but that depends on the individual. Results from a full series of treatments last approximately upwards of a year, however, maintenance treatment sessions scheduled at half-yearly intervals will help to prolong results.

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