Typical Hair Removal Treatments

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    Hair Removal

    Hair removal overcomes the problem of unwanted hair that is common amongst both men and women. In many cases, excess body or facial hair can be the result of hereditary factors, running through generations. Hair removal treatments also combat the experience of unwanted or excess hair, a condition that worsens with age, pregnancy or menopause.

    Hair does not come in any one size or type as follicles in different parts of the body produce differing types of hair. As a result, hair may grow in thick, bushy patches in some parts of the body or long thin strands. Furthermore, hair is produced in follicles that can be found at different depths and densities, each of which may be growing in one of three stages of growth at any given time. Until recently, this great variety in hair types and body locations made long-lasting hair removal a significant challenge.

    Typical Hair Removal Treatments

    Hair removal by tweezing and shaving

    The drawbacks of this Typical Hair removal treatments approach include both being painful and time-consuming. Plucking is only a short-term hair removal solution as the hair invariably grows back and shaving is an ultimately ineffective way to permanently rid oneself of excess hair.

    Hair removal creams

    Messy chemical depilatory creams can cause redness and irritation, the Hair removal having no permanent effect on unwanted hair. Prescription creams often provide good results, but they must be used at least twice per day, and never provide a permanent hair removal solution.

    Waxing is quite popular, especially among women for Hair removal . This painful method only provides hair-free results for two to four weeks and can cause skin irritation and ingrown hairs.


    Candela’s ND:YAG 1064nm Laser

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      At Results Laser Clinic, we believe that Candelas’ GentleYAG laser provides the safest and most effective treatment for laser hair removal, particularly for darker skin types.It is among the world’s top two medical-grade technologies, with specifications and further reading on the GentleYAG below.

      The Alexandrite GentleYAG system is one of Candela’s premier lasers for removing hair. GentleYAG is a revolutionary long-pulse high energy laser which emits a gentle beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle where it is absorbed. The laser energy is transformed into heat, which destroys the hair follicle leaving the surrounding skin unaffected.

      The GentleYAG treats all skin types quickly, comfortably and effectively. The Candela family of lasers are fast, versatile and easy to use. The skin is further protected during treatment by a Dynamic Cooling Device™ (DCD) where cryogen is sprayed onto the skin cooling the upper layers and providing patients with increased comfort. The GentleYAG selectivity helps to protect the skin, while effectively treating the unwanted hair.

      CANDELA’S GentleLASE Alexandrite Laser

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        At Results Laser Clinic, we believe that Candela’s Alexandrite GentleLASE provides the most effective treatment for laser hair removal. For details, specifications and further reading on the Alexandrite GentleLASE, please look below. The Alexandrite systems is Candelas’ premier laser for removing hair. Gentlelase is a revolutionary long-pulse high energy laser which emits a gentle beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle where it is absorbed. The laser energy is transformed into heat, which destroys the hair follicle leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. The GentleLASE treats all skin types quickly, comfortably and effectively. The Candela family of lasers are fast, versatile and easy to use. The skin is further protected during treatment by a Dynamic Cooling Device™ (DCD) where cryogen is sprayed onto the skin cooling the upper layers and providing patients with increased comfort. The GentleYAG selectivity helps to protect the skin, while effectively treating the unwanted hair.

        Results Laser uses the GentleLASE as it provides the following advantages:
        • Speed: Treat more patients faster and more comfortably with the largest spot size and fastest repetition rate found on any hair removal laser.
        • Efficacy: Watts of peak power enables the GentleLASE and GentleYAG and to treat a variety of conditions unlike any other laser on the market today.
        • Easy To Use: Deep penetration with minimal scattering of laser energy makes the GentleLASE ideal for all skin types.


        Next steps?

        Already tried the above treatments and ready to take it to the next level? Results Laser Clinics. We are one of Australia’s most trusted providers of Laser Hair RemovalSkin treatments & Cosmetic Aesthetics Treatments. We are committed to delivering results that make you look & feel your best. Book your free Skin Analysis and complimentary consultation with our experts today! You can also save time and buy treatments from the comfort of your own home via a Results Online account! Our full-price list can be found here.


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          Superficial and deep system veins

          Veins that are superficial can be found just under the skin surface and increase in visibility when they are varicose and abnormal. Non-visible veins are called deep veins, and located well below the skin. Perforating veins and junctions connects superficial veins to deep veins and blood flows through these systems and back to the heart. Superficial veins include:

          • Small Saphenous vein
          • Greater Saphenous vein

          The greater saphenous vein travels on the inner leg from the inner ankle to groin, and is the longest bodily vein. The small saphenous vein is located in the calf, traveling from the outer ankle to the back of the thigh. The vein commonly affected and stripped in varicose vein surgery is the greater saphernous vein.

          There are three types of visible abnormal veins: 1. Reticular 2. Spider 3. Varicose veins Spider veins appear as short unconnected lines approximately the size of a large hair. They are small, fine and appear on the surface of the body including face and legs. Resembling a spider web, the veins may be joined in a scraggly manner. They are sometimes unnoticeable and cover a small surface. Alternatively, they can be quite unsightly and cover a large area. Spider veins are fed by the reticular veins which are blue in colour. Lastly, the largest dilated veins which bulge above the skins surface and can become unsightly are varicose veins . They are dilated blood vessels caused by a weakening in the vessel wall and may appear as swollen clusters of blue or purple veins. They are characterised by great pain in sufferers, a burning sensation exacerbated with prolonged periods of standing.

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