Candela’s ND:YAG 1064nm Laser
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At Results Laser Clinic, we believe that Candelas’ GentleYAG laser provides the safest and most effective treatment for laser hair removal, particularly for darker skin types.It is among the world’s top two medical-grade technologies, with specifications and further reading on the GentleYAG below.
The Alexandrite GentleYAG system is one of Candela’s premier lasers for removing hair. GentleYAG is a revolutionary long-pulse high energy laser which emits a gentle beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle where it is absorbed. The laser energy is transformed into heat, which destroys the hair follicle leaving the surrounding skin unaffected.
The GentleYAG treats all skin types quickly, comfortably and effectively. The Candela family of lasers are fast, versatile and easy to use. The skin is further protected during treatment by a Dynamic Cooling Device™ (DCD) where cryogen is sprayed onto the skin cooling the upper layers and providing patients with increased comfort. The GentleYAG selectivity helps to protect the skin, while effectively treating the unwanted hair.